Thursday 2 June 2011

Big girls blouse

Knowing your customer is an art, actually it’s a science, no it’s a pain.

It’s one of the hardest things to work out in a field like this, dealing with second hand goods. You have to know what is current and in fashion and even if you do your not always guaranteed to be able to offer your customer that, and to be honest they don’t expect it.

They expect quality, quirky finds and bargains. Something we try and offer all the time.  I’ve been into some charity shops in the past and they are old fashioned, yes their customers may be an older generation but their alienating the younger audience and those who are likely to offer you their footfall. Of course we and other charities appreciate all customers and you will always attract the mature & wiser customers but it’s the younger ones that need a little coaching and that’s where your window displays come in.

It may be a bit controversial to say a lot of charity shops have little old ladies behind the till and 1970's dresses on the mannequins but most people expect that when they come into a charity shop. Well not ours, yes we have our little old lady’s who are full of personality but we have a selection of volunteers (I make them sound like a box of chocolates- yum!) over a range of ages that bring some nice dynamics and variety to the shop and our customers, in turn increasing our customer base. 

Back to the windows, we try and keep it modern, clean and bright...Oh and fashionable. Some of the older volunteers dress the mannequins more fashionable (in my eyes) than some of the younger staff we have had!

I’ve been shocked in the past when I’ve given them the task of dressing the mannequins and they walk off leaving baggy floral department store blouses on!

The title of my blog today is about big girls blouses. We just don’t get enough to be honest and bigger clothing sells better than anything! Bring it in girlies don’t be afraid to empty that wardrobe after your super weight loss triumph - bag it up and drop it in. Cheers.

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