Wednesday, 19 June 2013

World Autism Awareness Day 2013 Reprise

One thing I noticed this year which I have never noticed before and probably something to do with the “world” part of things is everyone is getting in on the act, celebrities spreading the word on Twitter, high profile people that have family and children with Autism are increasing awareness.

When I first started working for Autism Plus the charity was known, but mainly to families directly connected to Autism and the difference now is that everyone has heard of Autism and wants to learn more, I suppose you could say it’s gone global!

I am happy to announce we now sell funky pin badges in the shops and on Ebay to promote Autism Plus, pin one on to your Barbour jacket - it really adds to it.

A-U-T-I-S-M. Memorise it, learn a jingle whatever just know it.

For our part in Autism Awareness Day we recruited two charming volunteer helpers who we thanked with a bag of sweets.
With the help of one of our volunteers we organised an outdoor Tombola stall outside the market which the council were very nice in allowing us to do this at short notice because you need to have permission for these type of things you know.

They were helped by other volunteers and raised £100! Which is fantastic considering how cold and windy it was and they were situated in a tunnel area which wasn’t ideal. I did find it funny that a lady bought some tickets and won a fluorescent/glow in the dark cat collar - I have no idea why this was a prize and it really made me laugh because she didn’t have a cat but she took it anyway and said she would find a use for it? The mind boggles!
We ended the week by holding a cake stall inside the shop where a volunteer’s daughter made the most delicious rice krispie cakes and easter biscuits with mini eggs on them. (Easter was at the same time)

We also had gluten free buns, we found out lots of children who came into the shop had to have gluten free food products and one mum was really happy because her little girl misses out on lots of things, so loads of effort from the team and lots of smiley faces :)
It has been a positive year for the shop and going forward I hope it gets even better and people continue to support us.
Ps we now offer Loyalty cards for people that donate so get donating your old clothes and reap the rewards! Oh I do love stamping the cards!

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