Thursday, 9 June 2011

You must have all gone t’Seaside t’do sea fishing and see the sea.

Bank Holiday Monday - seems so long ago. We opened that day, I had some strange questions like “do you know if the banks are open today?” I really do doubt some people are indeed real and not bad robots that have been programmed to confuse us all.
No one was about, but it had been raining so I wouldn’t risk coming out unless I needed to or I’d spend a few hours in a nice museum getting told off for touching the exhibitions.

One thing I am not interested in doing but I know a lot of our customers are fanaticals over them they are...wait for it......jigsaw puzzles, yes imagine finding a wonderful puzzle with a nice scene on it, maybe a thatch cottage with some nice bluebells and a terrier?

Preferably 500 pieces so it fits on your bistro table, rushing through rush hour traffic to get home, finding all the corners first, oh wait you bought it from a charity shop and there is a piece missing..What an anti-climax worse still if it’s not complete what are you supposed to do with it? It’s a bit like fishing to me, pointless. Unless your going to eat the fish or if you are a goat you may eat the puzzle pieces. I tell our customers that if we have sold one with a piece missing I tell them a goat must have eaten it because one volunteers in our shop. Seriously though, we usually get told if they have pieces missing and if they do we don’t sell them. So it’s hardly ever we get complaints- our customers often do our quality control for us. 
Some of the staff didn’t turn in today, and so we did have a chance to tidy the shop and do some re-merchandising for summer. Customers notice it right away and they tend to start buying in bulk again and then it dies down when they think they’ve seen everything (even though we put over a 100 items out a day, that can seem a lot but can easily get lost with older stock that they can oversee it.)

So the trick is, keeping it fresh just like your fish. Two women had an argument today over some lace doilies, I left them to it they were older ladies and I weren’t risking a citizen’s arrest, honestly though do you know anyone that has ever made a citizen’s arrest? If you read this and have indeed witnessed one please state when, where and details I am very interested in the procedures and protocols for this.

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