Monday, 2 April 2012

Autism Awareness Day, are you aware?

Monday 2nd April is a very special day. Very special indeed for it is national Autism Awareness Day and this is celebrated throughout all of the world. It is a time to celebrate the stories and triumphs of people living with autism across the whole spectrum as well as creating awareness of everything that it means to be autistic and also on how YOU can help make a difference. One of the best ways you can do this is just to learn and understand which is one of the focal points of having this special event.
We are doing a local collection fundraising morning at our local Morrisons superstore so a huge thanks to them for allowing us to do this! Also on the 21st April there is going to be an outdoor Tombola in Goole by the Junction Cinema/Market store raising money for this event so pop down and have a go! We have been saving some nice little prizes for this day and thanks to Goole council for allowing us to have this stall!
Recently lots of people are selling there bags of clothes to wholesalers and rogue business traders for small amounts of cash based upon weight, this is having a SERIOUS impact on charity shops and most definitely ours, stock donated over the door is swiftly falling in numbers and in no doubt related to this in some way. Please please I urge you to donate your clothes, bric a brac, DVDS, CD’s and anything else you can think of would be greatly appreciated in your local Autism Plus retail shop, please see the website for more information on how and where you can donate.
We also have a facebook page and a twitter page so become friends and follow! It makes the world go around, Happy Autism Awareness day!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2/4/12 be there.