Today has been a funny onion. We had an NVQ lady come out to assess me, Jade and Janet and enroll us onto a course which will provide us with more skills at work. So we are all signed up and we all feel more productive and it will make us even better at our jobs! I did let one outburst of adolescent laughter, we had to do a literacy test and one of the questions was to put in the missing word it said “Lucy ran down the street to collect her.... “ the answers were “bag, leaf, tv and leg” when I saw leg it really made me laugh that someone might consider the possibility Lucy ran down the street to collect her leg, I wanted to put it I really did at the forfeit of one point in my examination. But obviously it was bag.
We’ve all been really busy today with alot of donations piling up in the pen, mainly kids toys but they do sell really well. Some funky ones that I liked the look of, a tricycle which can be pushed or altered so the child can go off on their own (the type I really wanted when I was a kid and never got) and a baby walker and a rocking cloth-covered-hippo which was made of lovely colours, would make a lovely cushion. We have to be careful with what we put out for sale though, especially children’s things we have to make lots of checks to make sure they are safe, concentrating on areas like wheels and bolts etc. If in doubt throw it out, it’s not worth the risk.
Most of the time people donate good toys in full working order and they make us money! Customers like to come in and see kids stuff it makes the shop seem more friendly and I like that, we like things to look happy.
Our newest volunteer Sam has been in today. I’ve known her a while she’s really nice. She told us all when she first started that she was a witch and has an obsession with cats. She tells tales of her cat that if anyone buys her anything cat related the cat goes near it and paws it with her blessing. Hmm.
She is a great help, she steams clothes and makes them all nice and pressed but I really don’t want to get on the wrong side of her if she is magical. She reads all of our auras and mine is different colours which I like, and that I say one thing and do another - whatever that means. She has just moved to a new neighbourhood and across the road from her new home there lives a woman with 29 cats that they all follow her in single file down the road when she goes out. I would like to see this, I would film it and pop it on “youtube” and get a zillion hits and be a worldwide sensation.